Пшихопов В.Х., Медведев М.Ю. Управление подвижными объектами в определенных и неопределенных средах / В.Х. Пшихопов, М.Ю. Медведев. – М.: Наука, 2011. Содержание…
Пшихопов В.Х., Медведев М.Ю. «Моделирование, идентификация и управление сложными динамическими системами. Монография. – Таганрог: Изд-во ТТИ ЮФУ, 2008. – 160 с. Содержание…
Пшихопов В.Х., Медведев М.Ю., Федоренко Р.В., Сиротенко М.Ю., Костюков В.А., Гуренко Б.В. Управление воздухоплавательными комплексами: теория и технологии проектирования. – М.: ФИЗМАТЛИТ, 2010. – 394 с. Содержание…
Белоглазов Д.А., Гайдук А.Р., Косенко Е.Ю., Медведев М.Ю., Пшихопов В.Х., Соловьев В.В., Титов А.Е., Финаев В.И., Шаповалов И.О. Групповое управление подвижными объектами в неопределенных средах / Под ред. В.Х. Пшихопова. – М.: ФИЗМАТЛИТ, 2015. – 305 с. Содержание…
Белоглазов Д.А., Гузик В.Ф., Медведев М.Ю., Пшихопов В.Х., Пьявченко А.О., Сапрыкин Р.В., Соловьев В.В., Финаев В.И. Интеллектуальные технологии планирования перемещений подвижных объектов в трехмерных недетерминированных средах / Под ред. В.Х.Пшихопова Содержание…
«Path Planning for Vehicles Operating in Uncertain 2D Environments» («Планирование траекторий подвижных объектов в неопределенных 2D-средах») Издательство Elsevier
- Kostjukov V., Medvedev M., Pshikhopov V. Optimization of mobile robot movement on a plane with finite number of repeller sources. SPIIRAS Proceedings, 2020, 19(1), p. 43-78. Q3
- Pshikhopov V., Gurenko B. Development and research of a terminal controller for marine robots. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2020, 12144 LNAI, p. 899-906. Q2
- Medvedev M., Pshikhopov V. Path Planning of Mobile Robot Group Based on Neural Networks. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. pp. 51–62, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-55789-8_5. Q2
- Beloglazov D., Pereverzev V., Soloviev V., Pshikhopov V., Morozov R. Method of Formation of Quantitative Indicators of Complexity of the Environment by a Group of Autonomous Mobile Robots. Journal of Robotics, 2020. Q3
- Gaiduk A.R., Martjanov O.V., Medvedev M.Yu., Pshikhopov V.Kh., Hamdan N., Farhood A. Neural network based control system for robots group operating in 2-d uncertain environment. Mekhatronika, Avtomatizatsiya, Upravlenie. V. 21 (8), 2020, p. 470 – 479. Q4.
- Karkishchenko A.N., Pshikhopov V.K. On Finding the Complexity of an Environment for the Operation of a Mobile Object on a Plane. Automation and Remote Control, 2019, 80(5), p. 897-912. Q2
- Pshikhopov V., Medvedev M., Gurenko, B. Algorithms of terminal control of multi-copters. Mekhatronika, Avtomatizatsiya, Upravlenie, 2019, 20(1), p. 44-51. Q4.
- Pshikhopov, V., Medvedev, M., Vasileva, M. Neural network control system of motion of the robot in the environment with obstacles. (2019). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. V 11606. Pp. 173 – 181. 10.1007/978-3-030-22999-3_16. Q2
- Pshikhopov V., and Medvedev M. Group control of autonomous robots motion in uncertain environment via unstable modes. SPIIRAS Proceedings, V. 60(5), pp. 39-63. (2018). Q3
- Pshikhopov V. Path Planning for Vehicles Operating in Uncertain 2D Environments. Elsevier, Butterworth-Heinemann. 2017, p. 1-298.
- Pshikhopov V., Medvedev M., Gaiduk A., Kolesnikov A. Control Method for Heterogeneous Vehicle Groups Control in Obstructed 2-D Environments. (2016). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. V 9812, pp. 40 – 47. Q2
- Pshikhopov V., Medvedev M., Kolesnikov A., Fedorenko R., and Gurenko B. Decentralized Control of a Group of Homogeneous Vehicles in Obstructed Environment. // Journal of Control Science and Engineering Volume 2016 (2016), Article ID 7192371, 8 pages. Q3
- Pshikhopov, V.K., Medvedev, M.Y., Lazarev, V.S. Movement planning of mobile vehicles group in the two-dimensional environment with obstacles // WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control 2017. 12, Pp. 166-174. Q4.
- Pshikhopov V., Gurenko B., Shapovalov I., Beresnev M. Development and research of path-planning module for control system of underwater vehicle. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, 2016, 5(4), p. 301-304. Q3
- Pshikhopov V., Gurenko B., Beresnev M., Nazarkin A. Implementation of underwater glider and identification of its parameters. Jurnal Teknologi, 2016, 78(6-13), p. 109-114. Q2
- Belyakov, S., Bozhenyuk, A., Kosenko, O., Kosenko, E. Evaluation of information reliability of complex systems using intuitionistic fuzzy graphs //ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2019, 3357634
- Kosenko, O.V., Shestova, E.A., Sinyavskaya, E.D., Nomerchuk, A.Y., Bozhenyuk, A.V. Development of information support for the rational placement of intermediate distribution centers of fuel and energy resources under conditions of partial uncertainty //Proceedings of 2017 20th IEEE International Conference on Soft Computing and Measurements, SCM 2017, 2017, с. 224-227, 7970544
- Kosenko, E., Beloglazov, D., Finaev, V. Vehicles Fuzzy Control Under the Conditions of Uncertainty Path Planning for Vehicles Operating in Uncertain 2D Environments, 2017, с. 97-136
- Lebedev, O.B., Kirilchik, S.V., Kosenko, E.Y.Scheme partitioning by means of evolutional procedures using symbolic solution representation //Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2017, 573, с. 94-104
- Kosenko, O.V., Sinyavskaya, E.D., Shestova, E.A., Kosenko, E.Yu., Chemes, O.M. Method for solution of the multi-index transportation problems with fuzzy parameters Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Soft Computing and Measurements, SCM 2016, 2016, с. 179-182, 7519721
- Kosenko, O.V., Sinyavskaya, E.D., Shestova, E.A., Kosenko, E.Y., Antipin, S.O.Method of rational placement of intermediate centers with setting parameters in the form of the fuzzy intervals // Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Soft Computing and Measurements, SCM 2016, 2016, с. 186-189, 7519723
- Sinyavskaya, E., Shestova, E., Medvedev, M., Kosenko, E. Positioning method basing on external reference points for surgical robots // Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2016, 9812 LNCS, с. 153-162
- Shapovalov, I., Soloviev, V., Finaev, V., Kosenko, E., Zargaryan, J. Research of graph-analytical methods for a vehicle motion planning // ICCAS 2015 — 2015 15th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, Proceedings, 2015, с. 585-591, 7364986